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Attention, students!

All classes are canceled due to the epidemiological situation

Муниципальный конкурс "Лучший ученик года 2022"
Муниципальный конкурс "Лучший ученик года 2022"

Наша Саша – МОЛОДЕЦ!
8.10.2022 года в ЦДО прошел конкурс «Лучший ученик года – 2022». 
Пименова Александра – победитель лицейского конкурса представила  очень достойно наш лицей. Конкурс есть конкурс…. УМНИЦА! Поздравляем!


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Welcome to the website
Ust-Kut Lyceum

On the site you can find a lot of useful and interesting information, both for students and parents, as well as for teachers, or even for those who just want to enter the lyceum!

If you are a student and, having left the lyceum, suddenly forgot to look at the schedule, then you can find it below the links:

Website (permanent schedule)

VK group (schedule changes)

You can also learn a lot of interesting things about our educational institution:

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